Friday, July 02, 2004

Comment on Jon's comment

From a technically puritanical point of view, I have some suggestions that would help the game be more singular in design. I suggest that all objects have built-in physics functions, and react based upon the physics within it. Also, in order to aid in creating things from descrete parts, each object should have a meld{} method, which would connect it to whatever was specified and create a new object from the unison, connecting the code together possibly into one script. In addition, I have a bit of a problem with just the fact that he suggested "first person battle mode". I agree completely, but that's just a basic result of the bv design philosophy: everything as close to real life as possible. In real life, we don't go into a "battle mode", we simply go and hit someone. I want it like that, where you can just take out your katana and cut somebody to pieces without having to go into a "battle mode" at all, much less a 3rd person one.


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